In this game you must get through 42 caves in order to rescue your wife who was kidnapped by Madison Cat.
The Keyboard
You control Mr. Cat by using the numeratic keyboard (The keys to the right of the keyboard). Below is a list that shows what key to press to move a direction.
| 7 = up & left | 8 = up | 9 = up & right |
| 4 = left | | 6 = right |
| 1 = down & left | 2 = down | 3 = down & right |
In some caves you must swich places with an object in order to get it out of a corner. Press 5 and when you run into a Push Rock or a Palm Tree, you will swich places with it.
To pause you game press the "Pause" button or hit the 0 key to pause your game.
Laser Gun
The Laser Gun is the last item you will find in the game. Use it to defeat Madison Cat's Robot and save your wife.
Extra Life
When you start your quest you will get 4 lives. To aquire more lives, you must collect this item.
The Bomb can only be found on one cave. Push the bomb around so that it hits rocks and it will destroy what ever it hits.
Touch a Warp to warp through solid objects. If there is an arrow in the warp, you can only warp in the direction the arrow is pointing.
If you collect enough of these, you will recieve an extra life!
This object will not hurt you, see if you can use it!
Kick the ball and it will start to bounce in the direction you kicked it.
Quick Sand
Do not touch any Quick Sand! If you do, you will loose a life!
If you touch a boulder it will fall. If it hits you, you will loose a life.
Loose Boulder
A Loose Boulder will fall any time there is nothing under it. Make sure you don't dig away dirt when a loose boulder is above you!
In each cave there is a door. Touch the door to go to the next level.
Push Rock
When you touch a Push Rock it will move a little bit. Push it in a stratigic position!
Dirt is every where! If it is in your way, touch it to dig it up.
Solid Rock
This rock can not be destroyed. You must go around it.
Simple Charactars
This charactar will bounce around in a simple pattern. If it touches you you will loose a life!
Knuckle Head & Ghost Head
This charactar is like the Ameba, avoid it!
Agressive Charactars
The Scull
The scull will chase you around a cave. You are going to have to be fast to avoid it. If it touches you, you will loose a life!
This object will attack you when you cross it's path. Make sure you have something in between you and it. Example: Push Rock or Palm Tree.
Madison Cat and his robot
Who knows what will happen? Hope you have a laser gun.
Game Speed
This option controls how fast your game will be. You may have to slow down your game to get past some caves. Use the "Speed" menu.
At the begining of a cave you will see a password. Write it down! Before starting a game, type a password in the box to the upper - right of the menu window. Click "Play" to start your game. If you enter a correct password, you will start at the cave the password goes to!